
A Day In the Life 615a Wake up with a foot in the face from E1, wake up E8 and A5, trip over cats begging for food (sometimes their feeder doesn't work feed them), feed Callie, start the electric kettle, reheat pancake bites I made the night before, scoop the coffee into the French press. Nag children to brush teeth and hair, get dressed, pack lunches (they made night before), pack backpacks. 705am run out and clear off the Mommybus, back it into the driveway and warm it up. Go back inside and pour coffee for hubby and I, wake up hubby and say goodbye, pick up sleeping E1 and take him to Mommybus. Kiddos shoes and coats and backpacks on. Load. 7:25am pick up C4 and A1 7:40am drop of E8 and A5 at school 8am back home unload E1, C4, and A1. E1 second breakfast (first was a snackpod of Cheerios) 815a dress E1, change A1 diaper 830a Freeplay E1 and C4, mat play A1. Make my breakfast shake and take meds. Tummy time for A1 while I drink my shake. 9am coloring with E1, Eas
Good morning all! I'm K, Sometimes Supermom, Sometimes Just Me. This is a blog about my day to day life as mom, stepmom, nanny, and just me. I will be honest and uncomfortable. My family is made up of many: C (hubby), E8 is my biological daughter who I have 60% along with my bio son, A5, E1 is my son with hubby, E7 is my stepdaughter who we have every other weekend along with A4, my other stepdaughter. We have a Dog Callie, 2 older cats, and 2 kottens. I also babysit for a family friend so add in two more kiddos C4 and A1. My days are crazy hectic and real.